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Winning the Game with Instructional Partners


Texas Library Association Conference
Dallas, Texas

5 April 2018


Presenter: Judi Moreillon, M.L.S., Ph.D.
Literacies and Libraries Consultant

Twitter handle: @CactusWoman

Blogger: http://schoollibrarianleadership.com 

Email: info@storytrail.com


Session Description

Instructional leadership is the name of the game! To build an effective school library program that prepares students for college, career, and community, school librarians must be consummate collaborative leaders. Understanding patterns of interaction and adult learning in your school is essential. Participants in this hands-on session will think, create, share, and grow instructional leadership strategies and leave the session with a plan for building a culture of collaboration with the most promising partners.


By applying a systems thinking approach (Senge et al. 2012), school librarians can identify and nurture relationships in order to collaboratively solve instructional challenges. They can be leaders in diffusing innovations in teaching and learning throughout the school (Rogers 1995). Using AASL’s “collaboration” definition (2016a), participants will engage in a series of hands-on activities framed by AASL’s “Think, Create, Share, and Grow” themes.


Presentation Slides:


Handout: Winning_the_Game_Handout.pdf



American Association of School Librarians. 2016a. “Definition for Effective School Library Program” http://www.ala.org/aasl/advocacy/resources/statements

_____. 2016b. “Instructional Role of the School Librarian.” http://www.ala.org/aasl/advocacy/resources/statement

Rogers, Everett. 1995. Diffusion of Innovations. 4th ed. New York: Free Press.

Senge, Peter et al. 2012. Schools that Learn: A Fifth Discipline Fieldbook for Educators, Parents, and Everyone Who Cares about Education. New York: Crown Business.




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